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Monday, August 18, 2014


Bratislava is a drastic change from Italy.  We really can't understand the language but luckily everyone seems to speak English and all of the restaurants have English menus.  My great grandparents are from the area so I feel a connection--- especially since I still cook some of the traditional food.  We actually went on a walking your which was nice to actually learn about everything we are seeing and to hear about the communists times.  Mainly there is a sharp contrast everywhere with beautiful elaborate old with the stark plainness of communism.

First a couple pictures I forgot to post from Venice
In a tunnel in the gardens of our hotel
Not sure what it's called in Italian but just like Schaum Torte!
Aqua alta --- water coming up over the sidewalk
Our private room on the night train
I think we have enough beverages 
My bunk mate
In Bratislava! -- the symbol in the tiles
First order of business-- beer
And food! -- Bryan had an awesome pork knuckle and mine is their traditional dish with is small dumplings with a local goat cheese and bacon.  Num!
Love how cheap this place is for 2 beers!
Playing giant chess
The theater 
Old town hall
Pretty door for mom
St Michaels Gate - the last gate standing from the original fortress
Uprising Square

The presidents house (though he doesn't live there just had his offices)
Live music everywhere!

St Johns Church
Old Town Hall
Inside the town hall
Inside the town hall
Town hall
There were pianos everywhere that anyone could play 

Really loving these prices -- pivo is beer
Bryan's steak tartar and I had a Chicken Goulash which had a sauce very similar to Paprikash 
Theater again
Townhall again
Capuchin Church
Bratislava castle
The blue church -- Church of St Elizabeth
Public high school
Blue church
Contrast -- across the street from the blue church is a run down communist hospital
The contrast
The Danube River with the "interesting" UFO bridge 
Another beer stop
This picture does not give the city justice for the number of restaurants and cafés there were in Old Town -- my kind of place
Bratislava Castle
From the top of St Michaels Gate
Red rooftops
There are 2 gates to get in with a 90 degree turn between them to slow down anyone invading -- smart!
More roofs 
This is where the old moat used to be -- now a park
The outer gate and standing on what used to be a draw bridge
Beef goulash with bread dumplings
Better picture of the live music from the first night
Inside the blue church
UFO bridge
Live music the second night
Fun sculpture! 

On the Budapest today!

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